Debt advice and information in Leeds


StepChange Debt Charity

Debt help guide to Leeds

If you are finding it difficult to meet your monthly repayments or you are worried about your level of credit card debt, it is important that you seek debt advice straight away and remember, you never need to pay for debt help. We provide free and impartial debt advice, no matter how big or small your financial problem might be. Visit our free and confidential online debt advice service, Debt Remedy. We can also provide the right debt solution for you, whether it is an IVA or a free debt management plan.

contact: 0800 138 1111

The Vine

Struggling with debt? Need help?

However CAP has debt advice centres across the country. Go to the CAP website to find out about services in your local area. Our centre manager will then visit you in your own home in order to find out more about your situation. They will then work with CAP to help you to work out all your expenses, set up a realistic budget and negotiate affordable payments with creditors.

contact: 0800 328 0006

Debt Advice - St Vincent’s Support Centre

Debt advice service

This includes budgeting and fuel poverty advice. The aim is to enable clients to work through their situation and set up a repayment plan. The debt service can negotiate on a client’s behalf and can offer representation where necessary. Face to face support will continue until the client feels ready to manage their finances alone.

t: 0113 248 4126

Better Leeds Communities

Debt Advice - personal debt advice on issues such as priority creditors, rent and mortgage arrears and credit debts. Fuel poverty and energy efficiency - advice on maximising income, reducing energy bills and trust fund applications. Generalist advice - to expectant parents and those caring for under-fives - through the Leeds Advice Network partnership. Housing advice - On a range of issues such as housing options, disrepair, possessions and evictions and tenant’s rights.

call: 0113 2753498

Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau

Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects. We have bureaux in Leeds city centre, Crossgates, Pudsey, Morley and Otley, plus a wide range of other locations across the City from where we can offer advice. We provide free, confidential and impartial advice on a range of subjects, plus we have dedicated, employment, debt, and benefits advice workers. Situated in Morley, Crossgates and Pudsey.